Monday, November 2, 2009

Critical Element for Success is the Event Time Line

Nothing is more critical to any event than the adherance to the time line. In the case of a wedding, it is often the DJ or the florist that will coordinate and/or establish the time line. IF there is an event planner present then it is that person's responsibility to keep things going as planned.

I would strongly recommend that only the most experienced wedding DJ should take on this responsibility. The DJ is the entertainment and that in itself is huge. Unless this individual is a close, personal friend with access to all the details of the event they cannot effectively coordinate the time line for an event.

For example, the DJ may have the crowd going, everyone is out of their chairs and dancing, but it is time for the cake cutting AND the photographer's 4 hours has run out. So the DJ is revelling in his success, the cake cutting is delayed and the photographer packs up and leaves the venue! YIKES! What a disaster! You see what I mean?

So there are many good reasons to have someone there to insure that everything happens as planned. And that is why there are people like me called "event planners". Think about it!

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